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All Purpose Balm is superior to hydrocortisone and corticosteroids in that it produced no side effects and in most cases visibly healed the damage caused by prolonged hydrocortisone use. Hydrocortisone is still the preferred therapy to treat acne, especially in those with severe and persistent acne. However, a better alternative is Acnequitil. Acnequitil is currently only available in the European Union, but it will soon be available in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and in Mexico. Hydroxy Acne When Hydroxymester-100x was launched as the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal anti-parasitic agent for treating acne in the mid-1990s, it met with great acclaim and was a major breakthrough in the treatment of acne. However, in many circles it is now considered as over-prescribed. If you need to control your acne or find a long term alternative, there are now a number of options to choose from. One of the more common options is Propolis. Propolis is derived from the plant Propolis, but is not a plant at all. Propolis also lacks the natural antimicrobials that many believe to be essential in helping to control acne and other conditions associated with oily skin. Propolis comes from the oil found in the leaves of the flowering and staminate, or seed, of a tree known as Propolis officinalis. The name, 'propolis' refers to the leaves, not the fruit, because the product is not a fruit at all, but the oil extracted from the seed is. There have been some studies that have shown the efficacy of Propolis for conditions other than skin or hair condition. Propolis can also be used for other medical conditions as well (for example, it was found to be effective at reducing levels of blood homocysteine). There are many different forms of Propolis, and the most common form is called "propolis glycerin" or "glycocamatum". It has many different ingredients that are used to make and maintain a very thick, sticky gel that is extremely effective for keeping skin hydrated and protected from the weather. Propolis is generally well tolerated and it should not be used in high doses, more than one can use in a day or month, as in excessive quantities the skin will become greasy and/or irritated. Propolis is a non-comedogenic and not dermatogenic, although some people do experience problems with Propolis. Propolis will not cure or improve any condition that can be treated with other natural and/or synthetic agents. Related Article: